Capabilities- based Operational Requirements Document (ORD)
A specialized version of the CJCSI 3701.1B formatted ORD that records the demonstrated operational performance of a base-lined BMDS capability and configuration for a system proposed for Service procurement and operations. In place of requirements, capabilities are stated as operational performance parameters that have been characterized in Developmental Testing, tailored to the system (e.g., satellite, aircraft, ship, missile, or weapon) and reflect system- level performance capabilities such as range, probability of kill, platform survivability, etc. In keeping with the capability-based approach, the threat is described in adversary capabilities terms, rather than specific threat systems.
Other facets of the standard ORD that speak to the suitability and supportability of the system remain unchanged. The Service will bring the Operational Capabilities Document through the Joint Requirements Oversight Council as the system element transitions to a Service.